Friday, June 10, 2022

This n’ That

This morning, I received a message from New Orleans friend, Lyle Breaux, that he was on his way to Europe, Paris to be exact. After a week there, Lyle will take an overnight sleeper from Paris to Salzburg, where he will transfer to a train to Ljubljana. I'll meet him there.

That's a week away. In the meantime, I'm spending the weekend with Alexandra, in Budapest. She is taking a class to add a certificate to her résumé as a personal trainer. I'm so proud of her, for her initiative and energy. It's nice to be 23. (Beni won't be able to join us this weekend, as he has badly sprained his ankle during a practice. He's better off on the couch at home; he'll have an MRI tomorrow. Good luck, Beni!)

As for me, I want to do some shopping, as well as revel in the Big City. Although Covid is still around, will no doubt always be around from now on, the city has dropped all restrictions. I'm due for another booster shot, so I hope to get through the weekend without catching the koronavirus, and take my medicine next week, before heading off to Slovenia.

Also, we hope to catch Cameron and his team in an exhibition game in Budapest. Once again, Cam will lead the Hungarian National Volleyball Team in competition around Europe over the summer. You go, my man!

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