Friday, January 7, 2022

Happy Holidays!

Kaposvár Friday Jan 7

Beautiful, clear blue skies, but cold: Hi 2°C/35°F Lo -6°C/21°F

Temperatures set new record highs in Hungary over the holidays, getting into the 50's, which, apparently, is NOT normal. And very little snow; Alexandra was noting on the 24th that she can't remember her last white Christmas, it's been so long. This ain't right, ya'll. Change (climate) is in the air. Just yesterday, the temp was 14°C/55°F with lots of sun. Now the forecast is for a return to normal winter conditions, maybe snow later in the week. We'll see.

As to the holidays, I had a very enjoyable time with the family. Andrea invited me over for Christmas Eve, when we exchanged gifts, and she served a lovely dinner of pan-crusted salmon filets with butternut squash risotto. Finom! Delicious! She is such a great cook. I am so grateful to her and the kids that they allow me to join them at this time of year. [When I was living in Budapest, the family would insist that I come spend a few days with them; which was fine, but I still felt I was intruding. Now that I have my own place here in Kaposvár, I like the idea I can graciously slip out before I overstay my welcome.] In the early evening, Cameron wanted to play 'Monopoly,' of all games. They all got a big kick out of my reaction to the board and cards being in Hungarian. I think they took advantage of me; I can't prove it, but it's consistent with how they play cards. Csaló! Cheater!

Traditionally, all of Andrea's family get together at her house on Christmas Day. I think this is because she has the most space, as well as the most kids. Although this year, her brother, Ádám, and his wife, Vera, are giving her a run for the money, as they welcomed a new little one, Janka (Yawn-ka). They already have a sweet, sweet boy, Bence. It was unfortunate, with the pandemic still surging, that they opted out of joining us; I can't say I blame them for being cautious, what with an infant, and there had been a few of the family down with Covid earlier in December. No sense taking chances. Alexandra's Beni & his family joined us this year, which was great fun. Everyone brought a dish; I made an American 'Thanksgiving dressing,' if you will: the stuffing for the turkey, but without the bird. They all liked the idea and seemed to enjoy it, for which I was thankful. 

Now we all settle down to a long, miserable winter of discontent, wanting this pandemic to take a hike. (Actually, I'd like to take a hike, to anywhere.) 

Boldog Új  Évet! Happy New Year!

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