Saturday, October 23, 2021


Welcome to the show that never ends…gee, I wonder where I’ve heard that before…well, it sounds good, right? But we know it will end, this show, this life, this mortal coil…the Latin Vagus, gives us the words ‘vague’ and ‘vagabond.’ As I grow older, ‘vague’ certainly fits. In the Roman Catholic Church, the term ‘vagus’ means ‘vagrant’…thanks a lot, Scott!?!

And I feel like a vagrant, this morning…sipping a cup o’ joe and updating this blog o’ mine (in looks & thought).

For those who don’t know, I’ve moved into an apartment in Kaposvár, a sleepy farming community in southern Hungary…this place became available while I was renewing my residence card and getting a vaccine card (so I can travel around Europe)…you could say I am renewed.

Ergo, a renewed website…come & join me…anyone care to try posting a comment?

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