Saturday, October 23, 2021

A Fresh Start

 Time for a change…of pace? Of mind? Of heart? Of diapers?

No, no, no…too late for that…I’m just being alliterative…of what?

As I was scouring what’s left of my poor brain (wandering?), I could hear the infant upstairs, crying, poor thing…the price you pay for living in a hi-rise apartment building…is it crying in Hungarian? That’s the question…actually, it is a very quiet floor, with a retiree who is 10 years older than me, I would say, on one side of me, and a couple with medical difficulties on the other…I’ve never even seen them yet.

Anyway, I mention ‘fresh start’ because that’s how I feel about this blog…it was time for a change…to get the juices flowing again…a new format & theme…simple yet muted?

Blessful blissful beautiful quiet, all day & all of the night.

That’s a good start.

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